Tuesday, February 05, 2008

The Stupid Thing Sherri Shepherd Said Last Week, 1/28/08

Just in case you haven't seen/heard the most recent stupid thing that Sherri Shepherd has said, here it is. I have to warn you, it involves voting. The really scary part about it is that I'm not so sure that I want her to be involved with this very important democratic process. She's truly just too stupid to handle it. The major parts of this clip that will have you mystified is 1) how long she thinks that a Presidential term is, 2) how she has never voted & 3) how she thinks her d-list celeb status gaurantees her some kind of extension. Unfortunately, this clip doesn't show that later on in the conversation, her justification for not having voted during her lifetime is that she didn't know what day Election Day is! That first Tuesday in November is a brutal date to remember, I know.

She should definitely stick to stuff that she knows about. Later on on this episode, she & Elizabeth Hasselbitch demonstrate how well they know New Kids on the Block lyrics by heart. Voting? Not so much.

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