Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Ode to a Lint Brush Roller

sorry for biting on your "ode to" shtick, beanorama, but i was just thinking to myself: i don't think life would be possible if it were not for my handy, dandy lint brush roller. having the privilege to live with an angel (and by angel of course i am referring to my white-haired dog) has lots of perks, but one BIG draw back is having all of her hair stick to my clothes. every morning, without fail, i must rollie down or else i look like an old lady named Frances who has 25 cats and a parakeet (the parakeet is just for good measure).

who invented this miraculous time saver/image booster??? well, i did try to find out, but google and were no help. i suspect the inventor is also the founder of post-it notes and bagged salads; two other inventions i KNOW i can't live without.


Beanorama said...

a vegas ad? a VEGAS ad? traitor.

Smedelicious said...

GOOD CALL...My life would be chaos without one. I would look like a strange homeless woman who sleeps with the kitties.

aaronic said...

I actually need to invest in one of these. Somehow my girlfriend's cat has gotten hair all over my clothes... despite the fact it's in DC.

I swear the hair multiplies.

Anonymous said...

common fact: pet hair travels....states, countries, even continents.