Thursday, February 15, 2007


I know, I know. I was the not one to discover this, and if you work with me, you probably got this in your email. But for the readers who do not work with me (hi, mom) I thought you might enjoy this little piece of proofreader's paradise... or nightmare. Congrats, Google! Or should I say... Googe?


Anonymous said...

i heard that the stem of the strawberry is actually the L. and by heard, i mean tone loc said so.
but thats a stretch.

Flip Flop Girl said...

I definitely think that's a stretch. They either need to higher a proofreader or someone with two brain cells to rub together that can say that this wasn't a good idea. Lose lose.

aaronic said...

yeah, the stem is the L. At least according to google's blog.