Friday, February 16, 2007

Finding Stuff is Fun

Today I decided to clean up some of the "crap" on my desk since I was berated earlier this week for being a cluttered mess. I came across some great notes from a couple blog heads.

"When the wine enters, out goes the truth." I wrote this one to remind myself about controlling my mouth when I drink. Hasn't stuck yet. We are getting a T-shirt made for a certain SUSO (Sounpretty Silent Observer). You know who you are.

"If you had a dime and I had a quarter, we both would not have a pot to piss in." -Unusual
"If you had a dime and (Unusual) had a quarter and I had a quarter, this still wouldn't make sense." -Jmoney

"Staples are very helpful. Before they were invented, the world suffered severly." -Unusual

"Before we had (Unusual), work was done. Not well, but it got done." - Jmoney

Good times. I'll miss you two when I'm on the other side. Don't speak - I know you feel the same.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"If you had a dime and I had a quarter, we both would not have a pot to piss in." I still don't know what the fuck this means.