Monday, February 19, 2007

Over the tizzy, Izzy.

So, I've discovered the wonder of the Internets, and that wonder is free episodes of Grey's Anatomy downloadable for free on I never seem to catch the actual episode, so I watch it a few days later, after my mom or sister or friend has already spilled all the deets. Anyway, this past episode was pretty good. When McSteamy squeezed McDreamy? Yea, a tear fell. But the tears were a flowing when Sandra Oh found out about Meredith (I'm not trying to give away too many details). When Mrs. Robota/Yang actually had TEARS in her EYES-- wowsers. Sad. But then Izzy goes into this whole "I believe" speech.... waaaaay over the top. No one talks like that. In a life or death situation, no one needs to know if you "believe that butter has no calories if no one is watching." Come on. Note to Grey's: simplicity rules. As does George. I love that guy.


Anonymous said...

The "butter" line was was of the dumbest I have heard in a long time. I was downright shocked at how low the show has stooped. NOT

Anonymous said...

the I Believe speech was reminiscent of a segment they do on NPR- called I Believe where people talk about shit they believe. and I LOVE Greys but totally hated that speech. i talked to mom about it the next day!

Beanorama said...

thank god you agree with me. Dr. Whiz is so sarcastic. I love you, MKVOB! That speech RUINED my fake tv crying spell!

Anonymous said...

if my bf was dying, i wouldn't be talking about eating butter.

george is the best...but i'm not a fan of callie o'malley

Anonymous said...

Ms. Bean,

You must truly believe me, I hated the butter speech. Mrs. Whiz, esq. has my back on this one. I was talking about butter for the rest of the night.