Monday, February 05, 2007

I was going to post a middle finger as the picture for this post…

…but I couldn’t post! A big eff you to Blogger, first for making me get a gmail account just to use it (like I don’t have enough passwords to remember) and two, for not even letting me sign in once I got it.

I hate technology. But JMoneyMadSkillz watched me sign in over my shoulder as I chowed on chocolate lucky charms... and they sure were lucky... 'cause I'm signed in, mother effer.


Anonymous said...

as the marines say, "HOO-RAH!" welcome back private beonarama.

now if we only could find private notorious alg...i think she went AWOL again.

Anonymous said...

the cereal was lucky? i think it was I who was the luck bringer.

Beanorama said...

You are lucky. VERY lucky.