Thursday, January 31, 2008

Rebel with a juicy cause

As I bit into a shiny red apple last night, I remembered my short-loved, fruit-related rebellious stage. My parents always told me to wash my fruit before eating. After years of mindlessly obeying their command, I decided one day to stop the water-wasting cycle. For about a year, I refused to wash my apples, oranges, pears and strawberries. (I still rinsed peaches to remove the excess fuzz.) These days, I am happy to report, I thoroughly rinse all fruit.

On a related note, my grandmother used to wash her fruit with soap and water.


mo cheeks said...

...and once you are done washing them you sit them on the shelf to admire bc you are unable to bite into them.


aaronic said...

The pesticides are 12% of the flavor.

miz cynical said...

Yum! At least you can wash of the e.coli germs.

Anonymous said...

bananas are great. eating one is like taking off a giant condom.

miz cynical said...

Taking one off? I thought that you learned how to apply them using bananas :)?