Sunday, November 19, 2006

Boneless Wonder

i absolutely love boneless buffalo wings from applebees. but, this past friday night, as i ate them, i had one of those moments where you acknowledge to yourself that you really arent sure what it is exactly that you're consuming. (scrapple eaters NEVER have these moments, because if they did, they would likely cut their tongues off).

anyway, i had that moment and now, i need to know.

a. where does the meat come from
b. is it really a de-boned buffalo wing
c. what is the inch-think gushy stuff piled around the meat

until i find satisfactory answers to all three of these questions, i'm afraid i'm gonna have to do without...but wait, who am i kidding? in two weeks i'll forget why i'm boycotting them and just say fuck it and dive in.

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