Sunday, November 12, 2006

Seriously, why?

ok, question.

why the hell does a hot dog take only 20 seconds to cook in a microwave?

seriously, i think it may the fastest thing you can cook in a micro. i don't know of anything else (that's edible) that you could cook in less than thirty seconds besides a delicious, nutritious (yes, i'm in denial but to be fair, i only eat kosher dogs) hot dog? even melting a stick of butter takes longer.

p.s. i love melted butter. and the picture for this post; not even certain thats a microwave but w.t.f., right?


Beanorama said...

we are on the internet at the same time! creeporama

Flip Flop Girl said...

I love both hot dogs in the micro and melted butter. Want to start a life expectancy pool???

Anonymous said...

i'm in. put me down for 35.