Thursday, May 10, 2007


I finally did it. I cooked grilled cheese. This has been a goal of mine for quite some time. I attempt every so often, usually with pathetic results. For so long people would say, "How can you not know how to make grilled cheese? It's self-explanatory." But, it's not. For instance, I just learned a few months ago that you are supposed to put butter (or mayo) on the bread. How is that self-explanatory? It's not called buttered grilled cheese. So, everyone calm down with that. Anyway, I took another stab at it a few days ago, and I succeeded. Quite a feat. I'm not saying it was great. But, it was edible and that's good enough for me.


Anonymous said...

now lets tackle something harder...say fried PBJ? its awesome, trust me.

miz cynical said...

Ewww. Who are you, Elvis?
Flip flop: you have to put butter on either the grill or the bread so that it doesn't burn & has a nice buttery, crispy taste. Oh, and the food truck outside makes a good one for $1.50 (if you can put up with the guy chuckling at you everytime you buy one).