Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Jenny McCarthy, second worst diet spokesperson ever

After Anna Nicole Smith, of course. So, Weight Watchers ( which is one of the most reputable weight loss programs) has Jenny McCarthy as their spokeswoman for their programs. On the commercial, Jenny complains about how fat she got while she was pregnant. Did you see her when she was pregnant? There are probably some overweight women that wished they looked like a pregnant version of Jenny McCarthy! Like, I would think that if you want to lose weight, you want something to aspire to; not make you feel depressed. Like, I'll never look like Jenny McCarthy. No, I want a stuffing my face with Krispy Kremes fat ass like Kirstie Alley as my weight loss inspiration. That way I can say, oh hell, if that fattie can do it, so can I!

Thanks, Weight Watchers. Now I'm going to eat a whole cheesecake.


Anonymous said...

do it. lets eat a whole cheesecake together.

miz cynical said...

Yum. I'll have Mr. Cynical get right on that :)... or maybe banana bread?