Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Network Morning Shows Can Be Poisonous

any time i see a "parenting" segment on any of the three morning shows, i just want to hurl. they bring in these "experts" which are usually older women with a stick up their ass and a slight country twang and remind you of one of the long lost characters from "designing women".

if i were interviewing them (or more likely, being the spring board for their swan dive of condemnation) i would ask them if they ever SHUT THE EFF UP!

sorry, i'm cranky this morning.

i ate way too much at triumph brewery last night and now i'm sicky-pants.



miz cynical said...

OK, you're forgiven. But only because I agree with you. I hate that too. On the Today show, I hate it when Matt & Meredith go into whinny parent mode.

Anonymous said...

word em up.

but i do love dianne sawyer's hair.