Thursday, May 10, 2007

Operator, would you help me place this call?

I broke down the other day and ordered from J. Crew. (I've already been yelled at for ordering over the phone and not through the web, but whatever, I like to ask them questions.) Anywayyyy... after everything I ordered, the operator acted like she was trying to sell me the item.

Operator: "Oh, you want the solid beach weekend dress? Great choice. It's such a light fabric. Great to wear in the garden or at the pool. Will you be wearing it at the pool?"

Me: "Um, ok, yes, I think so... I hadn't thought about it."

Operator: "Oh, and you are choosing the parrot green. I love that color. It's so bright. I saw it in our office boutique and I just thought it was the prettiest color."

Me: "Oh... well, good then."

Lady, save your breath. Sell me on something else, not something I've already decided to buy! So weird.

Tho' now I am regretting not buying on line because it looks like it's on sale online. Humph.

1 comment:

miz cynical said...

Umm. I can totally relate to needing to call in an order that could easily be done online. I'm going to do it 2nite when I order my new rose bush (Shut up. I live in the 'burbs now & if want to go totally Desperate Housewives, that's my biz).