Tuesday, May 22, 2007

A Case of the Happy Feet

this time of year never fails to ignite within my soul the burning passion to buy lots of shoes (particularly sandals). i don't know what it is, but i'm like a ravenous beast. i can shoe shop constantly...in the mall, online, anywhere, anytime. its a problem but i don't know what to do about it except give in to it, like a p-ditty song. go with the flow and before you know it, its over and you are a better person for having lived through it.

i find myself saying crazy crackhead things to people like, "you hear about any good sales going on???" the amount of desperation in my voice rivals that of any junkie..."just five dollars, man? got five dollars?"

as if money would be enough to stop me anyways. once i see the pair i want, there is nothing anyone can do to stop me.

you know what they say...if the shoe fits, buy it in three different colors.

1 comment:

miz cynical said...

I totally understand. I'm going shoe shopping tonight.