Tuesday, July 24, 2007


did anyone catch the CNN You Tube Democratic Debate? if i might offer my humble opinion (and i will) it was awesome. it was an appropriate blend of hard hitting questions and funniness. it was also nice to see genuine people calling the shots. this is a prime example of how technology has really revolutionized all things american.

anderson cooper: you did a good job moderating the entire shit show. the gay undertone was juuuust right, girl.

hillary: loved the suit. it was like a modern day jackie o. number. you were cool, calm and collected.

obama: you're so cute and smart. i could see myself dating you. you stumbled over some questions but your overall performance was good.

joe biden: you a lil crazy, huh?

john edwards: now you. i just want to squeeze your face and kiss you. you're a doll too. you should be a little more relaxed. you're like the only democratic candidate that is considered "normal".

dodd and the other duds: you guys were so uncomfortable with this new format and it showed. you guys may be ok guys, but you need to learn how to communicate to a younger audience. we can vote too, you know.

1 comment:

Beanorama said...

what up joey b! D-ware in the HIZ-ouse!

...or is it the Senate?