Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Since Thunderstorms Are Predicted...

A little "light"-hearted warning for you:

Lightning has been the second largest storm killer in the U.S. for the last 40 years, exceeded only by floods. A lightning strike can result in a cardiac arrest (heart stopping) at the time of the injury, although some victims may appear to have a delayed death a few days later if they are resuscitated but have suffered irreversible brain damage.

According to Storm Data, a National Weather Service publication, over the last 30 years the U.S. has averaged 62 reported lightning fatalities per year. Due to under reporting, the figures are more realistically at least 70 deaths per year. Only about 10% of people who are struck by lightning are killed, leaving 90% with various degrees of disability.

Odds of being struck by lightning in a given year (reported deaths + injuries): 1/700,000
Odds of being struck by lightning in a given year (estimated total deaths + injuries): 1/400,000
Odds of being struck in your lifetime (Est. 80 years): 1/5000
Odds you will be affected by someone being struck (Ten people affected for every one struck): 1/500

there. i just made your day.

1 comment:

aaronic said...


Odds of being struck in your lifetime (Est. 80 years): 1/5000

I have a better chance of being struck by lightning than winning the lottery (I didn't research this), that stinks.