Monday, March 05, 2007

Hey God, What's Up With This Weather?

Geez, JC (wait-was that just repetitive?)

what's up with the weather trying to give us all pneumonia? first its warm and sunny, then its cold and windy, then its sun showers, then its flurries. i scarcely can believe it or trust that my immune system can handle it.

but i use this opportunity to wonder to myself and to all of you...does weather really play that much of a role in causing sickness? i mean, don't you get sick from germs, not rain, sleet or snow?

this is troubling and weird. and the answer could potentially deem this post useless. yikes!


Beanorama said...

"Ashlie, My Child, as the Son of God, I am impervious to germs. I made those little effers, lest you forget!

The change in temperature is called 'Spring.' Love you!"

--JC, via My Child Beanorama

miz cynical said...

Both of you blasphemers are going straight to hell. However, on the news this morning, they said that this is one of the coldest month of March in a while. It's supposed to be averaging 50 degrees.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the weather. Things will heat up shortly... in hell!