Monday, March 12, 2007

Kilts Must Not Be Such Good Luck

not that i watch the show that consistently or anything, but tonight i watched the saddest thing happen on Deal or No Deal. (aside from howie mandell's demise that is).

i watched some shmuck contestant who donned a kilt for his 15 minutes of fame sell a MILLION DOLLAR case for just $81,000. true, he still walked away with $81K, but he had the effing 1,000,000 case!

sorry dude. that's going to haunt you for the rest of your life. much like genital herpes or a bad root canal.

to add injury to insult, howie was such a jerk off about it too. he was all like, "wow, you made such a bad deal!"

no shit, howie. thanks for the insight. they should proclaim you god. or dr. evil; which is my vote because that is who you resemble most.


miz cynical said...

I don't watch this show consistently either, but every time I see a clip of it, it's some guest making an ass of himself/herself. It's as lame as Howie's bald head.

Flip Flop Girl said...

I really can't watch game shows. Each time I see one, it makes my heart break a little.