Thursday, March 29, 2007

Like Biting Into a Peach, Without the Pit (or Fuzz!)

As you may be aware, I love drinks. I am a sucker for marketing and will basically try any new low-calorie or calorie-free beverage once. Today was no different.

I was out to lunch and came across this new beverage in a bevy of flavors. It's called "O Water" and I tried the "Twist of Peach" flavor. And it's so good. It doesn't have any artificial sweeteners, so it doesn't taste weird or too faux-sweet. It's just really delicious.

Books. Check 'em out.


Beanorama said...

Does it GIVE you an O?

Then it would be really good.

Anonymous said...

what does Books. mean?

NotoriousALG said...

There was a commercial way back in the day with a pack of guys that would say, "Books. CHECK 'EM OUT!" to get kids to read. Hilarious. But not half as funny as BGE's: "Don't, Don't, Don't Touch that Wire....."