Sunday, December 24, 2006

Someone called it "Catholic Lite."

My idea of a Christmas nightmare is this-- five o'clock children's Mass on Christmas Eve. The heavy jackets, the standing-room-only, the screaming children, the four-hundy-degree heat... this is NOT the Miracle of Christmas. Plus, and no offense, but Catholic Mass any time of year leaves me feeling vaguely guilty (not to mention bored). It also makes me feel pissed off, for a variety of reasons.

So this Christmas, we went to Episcopalian service. And there were women on the altar!! And there were jokes about text messages! And people were friendly and chatted about normal things-- we weren't guilt-ridden automatons, we were our real selves, just there to go to Church. I felt our real humanity was preserved... we didn't have to pretend to be sinless to get the Eucharist. We didn't have to feel like jerks for voting democrat. Although everyone knew we were sore thumbs... everyone kept asking if we were visiting, and when I whispered to my pops to dip the bread in the wine rather than drink the wine, a man turned around and said "you can do either."

Anyway, try it sometime.


aaronic said...

I'm an Episcopalian and after a while, its nothing special either. I must add though, the Epsicopal Church has a (openly) gay bishop. That's cutting edge stuff right there, lol.

Anonymous said...

disclaimer: the views expressed by beanorama are not and should not be interpreted as the views of sounpretty. so unpretty does not endorse or deny any religion, religious practice, etc. we do not believe in god or the non-existence of god.

merry christmas.

Beanorama said...

jeez louise. Have my posts ever represented So Unpretty as a whole?

Anonymous said...

I love this post and all of the comments that follow this post.

oh and BTW I just played the di#k in a box video to everyone here and they LOVED it! I also gave a little plug for sounpretty, yes, i'm doing PR now. I love you all. proseco rocks.

Beanorama said...

I got a text message from Unusual saying proseco is awesome. What the h?

Anonymous said...

It is. We are big fans of it at 1511 Gilpin Avenue.