Thursday, May 25, 2006

Age = Hair Length?

as i sat slumped over in my seat on the trolley this morning, exhausted and spirit-broken (i hate taking public transportation to work in the a.m.)i noticed a weird phenomenon...

it seems once women hit their late thirties, early forties, it is common practice to chop all of their hair off and sport one of those weird "matronly" hair-do's (see pic).

is this an unspoken rule? will i have to lose the locks one day because of my age? how unpretty that would be...


NotoriousALG said...

No, you are correct, It's like the corporate shag/bob hair cut. If you want to get ahead, you need to chop it off. I am determined to be the first VP with a classy ponytail.

Anonymous said...

and i know if anyone can pull it off with a pony, its you notorious-you're such a star!