Friday, May 12, 2006

In praise of the real live letter.

i know i am the fajillionth person to reminisce about the real live paper letter coming via postman, and to extol the letter as far more valuable than the dashed off, sometimes impersonal email. but i am going to throw my two cents in. the smell of the paper, the design on the stamp, the actual handwriting that tells so much about the writer... all those things make real letters so a-some. luckily, one of my best pals is a letter writer, as is my mama and my da. they know the joy of opening the mailbox to see a 2-D rectangular box of personal-attention goodness. since i am mid-twenties, however, i've been experiencing a lot of postal service blue balls. that's when you open the mailbox and see the tell-tale signs of a letter. your heart pumps. you rip open the envelope. and alas--it's an invitation (graduations, showers, bachelorette parties, engagement parties, weddings). those things are great, and they have their own special place in the mailbox of my heart, but it's nothing like a real live letter. postal service blue balls = so unpretty.

*once i got a letter from a minivan driving boy when i was 16. that was nice. too bad i was a jerk to him. he had a really good idea about taillights that i shat on (the idea, not the lights).


MJL said...

I thought that picture was of the letter to Senator Daschle from that "4th Grade Class."

Now that would've been so unpretty.

Beanorama said...

actually, i almost google-imaged that one, but was afraid the top spy-- i mean, the president-- would track it. or, say, monitor my cell phone usage. wait...

Anonymous said...

you know i have to mail you something now, right!