Thursday, May 25, 2006

Dirty Laundry

sorry to air my dirty laundry on ya, but i just had a troubling revelation occur to me as i do yet another load of will never end.

how sad and depressing. i know the environment is in bad shape and all, but disposable clothes seem so appealing when you realize that for the REST OF YOUR LIFE there will always be clothes to wash.

the very notion of repeating the same chore over and over again with no end in sight, makes me want to increase my wardrobe tenfold...then i could probably get away with doing wash just once month; that means only 12 times a year and if i only live to be 70, then i only have to do wash 528 more times. i could live with that.

1 comment:

Beanorama said...

ut oh. i have to admit i adore doing laundry (when I have a w/d, of course. lugging to the 'mat is no fun).