Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Unprettiest Freak of the Week

you may not have heard, but "magician" David Blaine is at it again.

this freak has been buried alive for seven days, frozen for 61 hours, perched 90 feet up on a pole for 35 hours, and suspended for 44 days.

now, he has been submerged in a human aquarium and plans to stay there for a week.

"My system is completely empty," he said before being submerged. "So that way in the sphere I don't have to use the bathroom. I have a catheter in case I have to do No. 1, but I don't intend on doing anything else."

i don't think i even have to comment on how gross that statement was...

for the finale, Blaine plans on holding is breath for up to 9 minutes while he tries to escape from chains and locks (think Houdini and recall how well that turned out).

the only thing i find remotely interesting about this fiasco is that while he was preparing for this final part of the stunt, Blaine said he had lost 50 pounds while practicing holding his breath.

suffice to say, i have been holding my breath while writing this post. maybe by summer, i'll be able to wear shorts unpretty.


Beanorama said...

what if he did a #3 in that globe!

Anonymous said...

what the hell is a #3?

wait! nevermind...EEEWWWW

Anonymous said...

(Just kidding with my name by the way)...but I am definitely going to start holding my breath at work more often. I just laughed very hard at this post...and at the turtleneck (i.e., anteater) comment from beano's love woe story. ewwww...