Saturday, May 06, 2006

Where is my oversized hat?

a steeplechase is one of the few events outside of nantucket where anyone can wear seersucker, boat shoes lilly pulitzer, madras, jack rogers or linen with wild abandon. even an ascot, if your butler irons it for you in time. but be forewarned-- as you stir your mint julep and bet on your favorite horse (say, "candy kitchen" or perhaps, "sugar diddy") you must speak about your cracker barrel stock through clenched teeth and laugh at all the plebians showing their breasts in the infield. don't forget to get wasted, as all good WASPs do, and pee on the side of the land rover. then go home to your children (madeline and trip), pay your nanny, and pass out early. you have preschool interviews in the morning, and it's sunday after all.

for all my sarcasm, i have to admit, it is pretty fun to completely prep it out for one sunday each year... it's like a college bbq for grownups. with matching vera bradley.


Anonymous said...

What a day, what a day. If we were good WASCs, we would've used sunscreen. "I can't belieeeeeve I forgot my Clarins sunscreen! I only have La Mer with me!"

Anonymous said...

sounds charming and very pretty woman.

Smedelicious said...

I'm dying to go to the Devon Horse Show, JUST so I can get a big floppy that wrong?

Beanorama said...

that's completely right, smed.