Monday, May 15, 2006

My Dog Plays Me

does anyone else have a pet that totally controls them? i never thought i would say this, but my dog completely owns me; no BONES about it (corny pun intended, thanks).

this little princess has THE LIFE. not only does she have full run of the house, routine grooming, gourmet pet food, a wardrobe any dog would die for, but she also has 1/3 of my bed. my husband and i are lucky if we can get through a whole night without coming dangerously close to rolling off the edge because although she's only 33 pounds, she needs to stretch her skinny little ass out just so in order to get a good night's sleep.

i complain, but i love it. she is, after all, the most ADORABLE DOG ON EARTH.


NotoriousALG said...

You should meet Pacer Czech. The dog is a total a-hole.

Beanorama said...

i just got an email from my dog-owning friend (see previous comment). she said just this past weekend she got in a fight with her biffer...over the dog. they never fight, but when they have (like, three times ever) it's about the dog.

Anonymous said...

well let's just say that everyone's favorite cat has infiltrated the bed. now i have two pussies between my legs....oh, was that unpretty?

Smedelicious said...

My cat sleeps on my head and literally walks ON MY FACE while I sleep.

NotoriousALG said...

My b*tch of a cat ate my iPod earphones and has now started on my cell phone charger. And she drew blood from the hand of a dear friend last weekend. But I'll tell you this, when she hopped up onto the coffee table and extracted a Tootsie Roll pop with her teeth recently, she melted my heart. It's an abusive relationship, I tell ya.