Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Taboo Tattoo

you know what they need to add to the interior of every tattoo parlor? a sign that would read something like:

WARNING: Unless you are wealthy and don't have to work for a living, you may want to think twice about WHERE you choose to get your tatty.

alas, this sign exists only thy mind and unfortunately, i have a tattoo in a very prominent place-the inside of my ankle...IDIOT!

when i got my tatt, i was 18, an art student and oblivious to how this would affect me in the future. the whole concept of "the future" didnt really even occur to me...the future was more like me saying to myself, "hmmm, I wonder what bar we can sneak into next weekend...i can't wait until i'm 21!" did i think for a hot sec that i would one day be working in corporate america, in a company where displaying tattoos is totally inappropriate and taboo? obviously not. i was instead thinking of the look on my mother's face when she would see what i did (cue the sneaky, hissy laugh).

now that the summer is here and i am wearing skirts more often that pants, my stupidity bites me in the arse nearly everyday. i have resorted to covering up my tattoo-a Japanese character which SUPPOSEDLY means "creative" (ironic, right?)-with two different layers of foundation. nice...real nice. really artsy too, huh? but, if i don't do this i have to run the risk of my boss seeing my mistake or worse, deal with co-workers who always say the SAME EXACT THING when they notice i have a tattoo:

"Huh!? You have a tattoo!?...Wait! I didnt know you had a TATTOO!? What's it mean???"

its gotten so monotonous, that i don't even answer them half the time. i just sort of shrug and smile and make them feel as awkward as they make me feel.

exposed tattoos at work....so unpretty.


Beanorama said...

let it out! let it out!

Jody said...

I know what you mean. My first tatoo is on my abdomen so i had it very easily. But my second tatoo...is my wedding ring. Thankfully everyone else in Santa Cruz has exposed tattoos so I don't feel conspicuous, but I still wear a thick metal ring to cover my tatoo because when I was working as a nanny I was stopped in a grocery store with the toddler I watched because 2 people wanted to point out how trashy I looked (I guess they thought the toddler was mine). Anyway, yeah. I'm sort of regretting the wedding ring tatoo idea now that I feel like I'll have to cover it up if I ever move to the more conservative parts of the country! Doh!

Anonymous said...

my tattoo is on my abdomen too...not bad, except that now that I'm preggo I can see in my future a very distorted sunflower as my stomach expands!

Jody said...

Yeah. I thought about that, too. After the fact. Well. Guess I'll enjoy it for now!

My dad warned me about tattoos.

Anonymous said...

US: Don’t let it get you down. Even the most unlikely individuals have succumbed to the lure of the tattoo. Even me. While it’s high up on my leg, and nobody sees it unless I’m in a swimsuit, I have surely felt the pangs of regret, especially since my thighs aren’t as thin as they used to be. But, whatever. It is what it is and at the very least it allows me to hang on to a small piece of my inner drunken sorority chick. She was a riot! I bet your inner art student loves that tattoo!

Beanorama said...
