Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Quitting Sucks

i quit smoking 57 hours ago. i want to die or kill someone else. the only thing stopping me is knowing that if i did either of those two things, i would want a cigarette afterwards, so what's the point?

i can't concentrate. i'm stressed out. i'm more on edge than tom cruise's movie investors...

i quit three years ago successfully and i don't remember it being this hard. this time around, i feel like a live wire...everytime i hear something mildly idiotic or annoying spew out of someone's unsuspecting mouth, i feel like i'm going to freak out and drop kick them. i saw footage of a woman run over her husband with an SUV this morning and i actually laughed. am i turning into a maniac?

i heard once you've made it through the first three days, it gets better. i hope so for my co-workers/husband/family's sake. thank god i have a jetta and not an SUV.


Beanorama said...

come on city council! pass that no smoking bill and make it easier on all of us!

Smedelicious said...
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Beanorama said...

what do those letters mean, smed? they don't belong here. i have no understanding of those letters.

Smedelicious said...

Quiting is good...I have gum. Let's leave it at that...

Anonymous said...

On the Fence...

I totally want city council to ban smoking in public places, however there ARE times when a cigarette is in order. Then what? How about no smoking unless I've had:
1. a tough day,
2. a boring day,
3. too much to drink,
4. too much to eat,
5. not enough to eat,
6. sex (this rarely happens in public, so I should be ok with this one)

yeah, I think that'll work. Who's with me?