Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Are the homeless getting busy?

Two days ago I was walking to work, and I had to do a little hop, skip and jump to avoid a used condom on the sidewalk. Not a pleasant way to start my day, but oh well. This morning, however, on another block, I saw another one! Then, two steps later, a wrapped one!

Which leads me to wonder... are these rubbers falling out of trash bags, somehow? Or are people leaving the bars too eager to make the beast with two backs to wait until they get home? Or are homeless people getting busy on the streets in the still of the night?

And if it is homeless people-- huzzah that they are using protection! At least I know when they harass me for 50 cents it's for a good time, not just booze.

(PS I yelled at two bums this weekend. Good times.)


Anonymous said...

nothing like a used condom to start your day. except when its not yours.

miz cynical said...

How scary is it that I was thinking the same thing as jmoney? Yeah, I guess starting off the day with a used condom when you weren't on the, hmmm "receiving end" of it stinks.

Anonymous said...

maybe the condoms were being used as breadcrumbs, like for a whore who wanted to make sure she could find her way back home...


Flip Flop Girl said...