Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Remember when we reviewed the most depressing movie ever, starring Zooey Deschanel? Well I am happy to report that Zooey will be back in our lives, filming "The Gospel According To Janis" in Philadelphia for the next six months. I have a weird, indie, depressing crush on Zooey and I hope I see her.

Both Pink and Britney were supposed to be Janis. Pink, as she is from Philly, would be an interesting chouce, but she pretty much seems to have it together. Britney, on the other hand, is destroying herself just like Janis did, except she is using her awful judgement and naked puseta instead of heroin.


Anonymous said...

PUSETA!!!! you are too much!

miz cynical said...

Janis was hardcore. I don't think Britney or Pink have the chops to act or sing like Janis.