Saturday, January 06, 2007

Freaky Deeky Calendar

On Friday night, I was walking through the Gallery (which is never a good thing to do), when I saw a Kama Sutra wall calendar for sale in a card store. I did a double take because I couldn't believe my eyes the first time I saw it. I couldn't help but wonder how much of an orgy man/woman you would have to be to need a steady diet of daily porn hanging on your wall? On top of that, where would you hang this wall calendar? It's not exactly family-friendly fare to have around when company comes over, but it may be a conversation starter. I don't know about your household; but in my apartment, the calendar is hanging on the wall right before you enter the kitchen. If the front door is open, you could see it from the hallway. On second thought, maybe I should buy it. If my neighbor that lets her kids play in the hallway saw it, she may keep her kids from terrorizing us for fear that they may be corrupted.

Hmmm.... just a thought.

1 comment:

Beanorama said...

wait... why were you in the gallery? yikesabee.